Scaffolding Creative Thinking With Computational Thinking and New Media

As an art educator, creativity and creative thinking are important subjects to me. As such, they’ve been the focus of much of my research and creative work as a student and educator.

Deschryver & Yadav (2016) wrote about how to scaffold creative thinking with computational thinking and new literacies. In this video, I synthesized what they shared and extracted three key points:

  1. Students benefit from learning creative thinking skills, new literacy skills, and computational thinking skills.
  2. These skills are typically taught in isolation.
  3. These skills should be taught together so that new literacies and computational thinking skills scaffold creative thinking.

By the way, this video is the first stop-motion animation I’ve ever made, and I think is a good example of scaffolding creative thinking through computational thinking and new literacies.


Deschryver, M. D., & Yadav, A. (2016). Creative and computational thinking in the context of new literacies: Working with teachers to scaffold complex technology-mediated approaches to teaching and learning. In Creativity, Technology & Teacher Education (pp. 139-159). Waynesville, NC: AACE.


All images and videos on this page were created by Sarah Van Loo.

Other images used in the video were cited in the video.